We have been overtaken by grass! The first cut haying gave us a phenomenal yield — 201 bales from our north field. But it was 3 days and long hours of work for Bob and John Lafayette’s crew.
security for our cattle this winter
cows lost in the grass
They mow it down
Our pregnant cows are doing their best to graze down the paddock just north of all those stacked bales. They are hanging around the barn so we can keep an eye on them as their due dates approach and so they can enjoy the shade in the heat of the day. Meanwhile, the main herd is in the south field doing their best to level the grass. They eat. They trample. It’s all good! But the grass is so tall that we cannot roll the tumble wheels. The polywire is suspended too low to clear the seed heads of the grass. So every time we want to give the herd more grass, we have to pick up each tumble wheel and carry it over our head to its new location. This has never happened before. And it sure looks silly. But too much grass sure beats too little. Every year the challenges are so different.