Side of Beef

A whole- or half-beef — the most economical option!

To order, e-mail us ([email protected]) or call 802-233-0064

A side of beef in 2025** (i.e., half-beef) is $6.95/lb-hanging weight, and a whole-beef is $6.80/lb. Split a whole-beef with family & friends and save! These prices include butcher processing and delivery to your home (in our northwest Vermont delivery area). Since our cattle hang at about 700 lbs, a half-beef is approximately $2430. After processing removes most of the bones, you get approximately (this is an estimate) 220 lbs of individually Cryovac-packaged meat per side of beef. As a result, when you order a side of beef, you get all the cuts for a little bit more than the retail price of our ground beef. And that doesn’t count the other product you will receive, if you choose: half the bones, suet and liver. And then you get to choose two of the one-of-a-kind items: heart, tongue, tail, hanger steak.
(The weights are estimates. Exact hanging weights are determined at processing.)

Our “Budget Bovine” is a discounted side of beef wherein the customer gets all the cuts from a whole animal except the bone-in steaks – ribeye, Porterhouse and T-bone. (A high-end restaurant customer purchases our bone-in steaks.) The resulting savings are significant; for instance, a recent Budget Bovine customer for a whole beef saved $976  so that her total price dropped from $4,588 to $3,612.  If you are looking for wholesome, satisfying meat and don’t need the flashy steaks, our Budget Bovine might be the answer.

Deposit for a whole beef is $400 and a side of beef is $200. If you need us to store some or all of the beef in our freezers, until some specific date, please contact us about this option.

Many customers split their purchase with friends, neighbors or relatives

Half a beef will feed a family of four 2-3 times a week for a year and takes up 8 cubic feet of freezer space.

**The cost of weaned calves had gone up 50% in the last three years. Although the majority of our cattle are born on the farm, this increase reflects the overall cost increases for just about everything.