2-strand electrical fencing on a pigtail budget

Pigtail GroundingThis winter, with all the dry (electrically insulating) snow we have had in Vermont, our attempts to wean 9-month-old calves were thwarted by those who were willing to take a weak hit from the single-strand polywire, in order to continue their habit. We ran a second, grounded polywire just below the hot wire to gain the respect we deserved for our 10kV reading. We did this by wrapping the second polywire around each pigtail, on the conductive metal part, pulling it tight and attaching a little binder clip to keep it from slipping down. Only once did we need to tie a broken ground wire. (Lesson learned) Peace has been restored on the farm

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Daddy Time!

Two yearling steers chosen to keep Justin company.

Two yearling steers chosen to keep our bull Justin company.

The bull has been pulled out of the cow herd, thus ending the breeding season. Two of his male offspring are with him now, to ease the pain of separation. Our bull, Justin, mellowed out fairly quickly, after starting to lift up the corral panel fence inside the barn and bust through. Fortunately for us, Justin is very “respectful” of the little white electrified wire surrounding him now.

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Birds Eye View of Health Hero Farm

Breath taking view of the Conserved "Sawyer Bay Farm"

Breath taking view of the Conserved “Sawyer Bay Farm”  – credit John Larabee at Camp TaKumTa

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Successful grazing!

Another great year for grazing is drawing to a close. It’s amazing to watch the calves fill out so quickly! This beautiful steer is only 17 months old, after two growing seasons on our certified organic pastures. And let’s not forget to give mama credit for the 10-month head start on the highly sought after product of “raw grass milk”.

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Health Hero is now a CERTIFIED humane beef farm!

We are thrilled to announce that our farm is Animal Welfare Approved by AGreenerWorld.org.

We work hard to improve conditions for the animals under our care and are proud to have achieved the rigorous standards required for AWA certification.

We very much appreciate your support, which has enabled us to produce meat in a way that is healthy for people, the animals and the environment.
AWA LOGOAGW Certified Grassfed logo

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Pizza Social on the farm

Enjoy dinner baked in NOFA-VT’s wood-fired pizza oven. And walk off the calories on a farm tour. NOFA pizza social

You are invited!

You are invited!

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Crazy Days!

What a crazy spring. First the rain, then the tall green grass, then the seed heads announcing “you have to hay NOW”! We seized a 2-day window of sunshine and began to mow. The baler broke down, and the sun set (with beautiful color) on windrows of hay. The next day, the baler was fixed in the field, and the show went on. But everything else worked, so here are photos and videos of some of the equipment we used.

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Another bundle of joy!

little bull calf, getting acquainted with mama

little bull calf, getting acquainted with mama

Our 11th calf was born today, a second bull calf after a string of 9 heifers. I was lucky enough to capture a video of the cow rousing the calf to nurse. Baby nosed around without success, but there will be more forays under the cow. You can see the video here.

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FACT national grant award to make our cows even happier!


Wahoo! This grant helps us build an animal welfare station for cattle comfort in the field. It has a scratching station, free-choice mineral feeder and an oiler for fly control with organic treatments. This is going to make for some great youtube footage. But meanwhile, here are the youngsters trying to figure out what it’s good for.Cattle Spa

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Turn Out Day!!!

yearlings and two-year-olds in the north field

yearlings and two-year-olds in the north field

Finally! After all that rain making the pastures too fragile to graze. The yearlings and two year olds have been led into the north field, where they kicked up their heels for joy. The cows and calves are closer to the barn on a hilly pasture in the background. The bull and a companion steer are cutting the grass near the farmstand. Enough of that baleage. Let the grazing begin!

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