Winter Bale Grazing

So what is “bale grazing”? It’s a practice of feeding out bales of hay on the frozen fields where the manure and hay leftovers will be welcome soil amendments in the spring. We do this only when the ground is frozen, to avoid soil compaction. The metal ring around the bale is to prevent the cattle from using it as bedding. January 5 was the start of this winter practice for us here in South Hero.

Calling the cattle to eat the bales of hay.

Our herd eating four bales of hay on our frozen pasture.

The next day, we check up on them.

During the winter bale grazing, we feed on alternate days. But of course, we check up on the cattle daily, as well as making sure their frost-free stock tanks in the hoop barn are working properly.

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Interview of Bob by a nutritionist

We hope you enjoy this podcast by Dr. Suzy Wilson of Cedarwood Natural Health Center in South Burlington. In it, she interviews Bob about organic farming.

Suzy is a chiropractic physician and clinical nutritionist; and her podcast series, “Next Seven,” is named for the criterion used by Native Americans to choose between alternatives when making communal decisions. They aspired to take the path that would provide the most benefit over seven generations.
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To Know Love, Go to the Water

This gallery contains 1 photo.

While viewing this photo, listen to Kate Eggleston’s song GO TO THE WATER (at Enjoy!

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Helping Grandma

What a gift and a joy when grandchildren come to the farm to help. At 14, Cole is a big help — driving us around, refilling the mineral feeder with more salt and kelp, setting up fencing and water tanks. Cole yearns to interact with the cattle. Slowly, he builds their trust and is thrilled when they allow him to touch them. The chickens are more accessible;-)

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Haying Fever

So much work, so little time! And it was hot! Photographer Rob Swanson caught almost everyone on the project. Dave Brownell raked. John Lafayette baled the hay. Joan helped Bob bring in the bales and wrap or stack them. We made both baleage (plastic-wrapped wet hay-in-a-day) and dry hay (stored in the hoop barn). A special word of thanks to Fred Bartle who shared the mowing duties with Bob and also loaned us his tractor to handle the bales.

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Vincent van Gogh visits the farm

Vincent commandeered my camera from the world beyond to create this image to his liking.

Cow and Calf Grazing

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Spring Grazing

May grazing… When the grass is fresh and lush and growing like crazy.

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Turn Out Day 2020

FINALLY!!! The cattle have been waiting for this all winter. Just recently, they have been watching the grass grow on the other side of the fence, while all they had to eat was hay. But now the grass is full enough and strong enough to nourish them. Let the grazing begin!

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Spring Calving

Such a joyful time to see the new calves suddenly appearing. They start out so innocent and will let you approach them and even pet them. But after a day or two, you will have trouble catching them. As time allows, I will post videos of the calves in action. They get “spunky” really quickly, interact with the other calves, come to their moms when called and nurse energetically. The farm is a place removed from concerns of the outside world, where the beauty of nature unfolds according to its own schedule. We are looking forward to grazing and hoping the grass will grow before our hay runs out.

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Winter Cattle Care

What does “grass-fed” mean in the winter? The energy of the summer sun has been captured by grass and clover and harvested as baleage for winter sustenance. The cattle eat the hay outside and come back to the hoop barn several times a day for water from the frost-free stock tank inside. If it’s really cold or windy, they will sleep in the hoop barn. But otherwise, they will sleep outside under the junipers. We admire their hardiness and how amazingly healthy they are.

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